Fast Cheap Birthday List:

You can rest assured that we do not take birthdays lightly... You can tell by the impact of the beatings received! Below are the birthdays of our Fast Cheap Crew... remember to bring gifts!

Your host: Psydde Delicious June 20
Music by:
Junior Friggster March 9
Fast Cheap Dancer:
Melissa August 28
Fast Cheap Dancer: Courtney ?
Fast Cheap Dancer: Sephanie November 21
Fast Cheap Dancer: Kiki Berlin ?
Fast Cheap Dancer: Violet October 27
Fast Cheap Dancer: Kurtis ?
Fast Cheap Dancer: Kitty ?
Hair: Becky Vomit August 11
Behind the bar: Melissa January 15
Behind the bar:
Lori September 27
At the door: Allen January 17

Fast Cheap and Out of Control | Fluid Nightclub | Philadelphia, PA |